Murphy Farm Head Start families were excited to attend our open house event last week! #SaginawISD
Our Chesaning Head Start families enjoyed their open house experiences! #SaginawISD
Birch Run Head Start/GSRP families attended open house and are ready for the new school year! #SaginawISD #OurStory
The Jerome HS/EHS team had a wonderful time at their open house! #SaginawISD
Ms. Tammy and Ms. Heather's Early Head Start class is ready for the new school year. #Claytor #OurStory
Kristin Clifford, Education Coordinator and Early Childhood Specialist had a wonderful time with her teammates at our Opening Day events! #SaginawISD
Our Director of Early Childhood, Sabrina Jackson, would like to thank Dr. Mamie Thorns of Saginaw Valley State University for answering the call to inspire and energize our staff with a timely keynote regarding DEI. #SaginawISD
Great Start to Readiness (GSRP) and Head Start Lead Teacher Jessica Theile is having an amazing Opening Day with her Early Childhood teammates! #SaginawISD
We would like to thank all of our Early Childhood staff for their 280 years of combined service and continued dedication to the students and families within Saginaw County! #EarlyChildhood #SaginawISD
Saginaw ISD would like to thank Dr. Mamie T. Thorns, SVSU's Chief Diversity Officer, for taking her time to keynote during our Early Childhood Department's Opening Day! #SaginawISD
The Healthy Families America team attended an inspiring National Prevent Child Abuse America conference in Baltimore! They are excited to come back and utilize the knowledge they gained to better service families in Saginaw County! #SaginawISD
Saginaw ISD's ASD Teacher Consultants, Speech and Language Pathologists, and Occupational Therapists delivered outstanding professional development to Head Start on Inclusive Practices for preschool students. #SaginawISD #Inclusion
Our Early Head Start Home Visitors had fun on day two of preservice! #SaginawISD #OurStory
Saginaw ISD Head Start/Early Head Start teachers spent time learning about inclusive practices today! #OurStory
Early Childhood leaders are ready for day two of pre-service training! #EarlyChildhood
If you are a parent, child care provider, social emotional, and mental health provider, home visitor, Early On provider, or preschool teacher, please scan the QR code and complete this important survey on Early Relational Health.
Staff from Valley C at Preservice Day 1. #ourstory #SaginawISD
Saginaw ISD Head Start/Early Head Start staff ready for another fun school year! #OurStory
Claytor Preschool staff enjoyed their first day of training at Horizon Conference Center! #SaginawISD
Head Start/Early Head Start staff had a wonderful time kicking off the year with preservice training and events! #SaginawISD