The Saginaw ISD Finance Services Department prides itself on being good stewards of taxpayers’ money and works to ensure that funds are spent with much thought and consideration. The department provides financial management services, school-based software management, and support to local school districts. This also includes pupil accounting and truancy services.
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable, which include checks for vendors, contracted labor, employee mileage, expense reimbursements, and any others are processed bi-weekly, with checks being mailed on Friday and ACH payments to be initiated on the following Monday. Check Requests and Employee Reimbursement Requests must be completed through Skyward, go through the approval process, and be available for Accounts Payable to pull in by 9 a.m. on Tuesday. All invoices that have Purchase Orders must have the Purchase Order number on the invoice and be marked received by the secretary. The Purchase Order should also be received in Skyward. All invoices are due to Accounts Payable by noon on Monday. If an invoice does not have a Purchase Order, then a Check Request must be done in Skyward.
Employee Mileage Reimbursements
Employee mileage is reimbursed according to Internal Revenue Service Guidelines. Beginning January 1, 2023, the rate will be $.655 per mile. Employee Mileage Expense Reimbursements will be paid on a bi-weekly basis through Accounts Payable. Employees are to submit Employee Mileage Expense Reimbursements on a monthly basis through Skyward, go through the approval process, and be available for Accounts Payable to pull in by 9 a.m. on Tuesday in order for checks to be mailed on Friday or ACH payments to be initiated for the following Monday.
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