3660 Southfield Drive
Saginaw, Michigan 48601
Phone: (989) 777-2520
Main Office Fax: (989) 399-7479
Nursing Office Fax: (989) 399-7480
Melvin G. Millet Learning Center provides individualized educational programs and services to address the unique needs of Saginaw County students with low incidence handicaps in a welcoming school atmosphere. The diverse student population includes approximately 270 students (ages 3 through 25) with moderate-to-severe performance challenges. These are expressed either individually or in combination by cognitive, physical, or health impairments, or autism.
Support services at Millet Learning Center are as comprehensive as may be experienced in clinical health care settings, but within a school atmosphere to accomplish an educational mission. Professional support staff includes nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech therapists, and social workers. For better health, all classrooms participate in an instructor-led adaptive physical education program that includes the use of a gymnasium and a fully accessible outdoor play and learning center. Nutrition is assisted by a complete food service program that offers a full range of dietary options.