orange spot


At Saginaw ISD, the Orange Spot program is a recognition initiative underneath the "Our Story" umbrella that celebrates staff members who demonstrate positive behavior in the workplace. Similar to an employee of the month program, Orange Spot winners are chosen once a month from nominations submitted through our Thrillshare platform using the "Our Story" authorship program. Staff members who exhibit "orange" behavior, such as going above and beyond in their work, demonstrating kindness and respect to others, and embodying the district's core values, are eligible for the award. The Orange Spot program is a way for the district to recognize and appreciate the hard work and dedication of its staff members and to encourage a positive and supportive work environment.


National School Public Relations Association's (NSPRA’s) Golden Achievement Award recognizes outstanding, strategic work in all aspects of school public relations, communication, marketing, and engagement. Each entry is judged individually (not against other entries) based on strategic best practices, good writing and against the RPIE (research, plan, implement, evaluate) strategic process. URL evidence: 3VxEfJO


  1. Go to or download the application on your mobile device.

  2. Log in using your Saginaw ISD email and password or by clicking "log in with Google" (you may have a two-factor authentication at this point)

  3. If you haven't already, please upload a profile photo by clicking on your name in the right-hand corner and clicking the pencil next to your name. You also need to upload a photo under the "profiles" section of this same page. This feature is only available on the desktop version of Thrillshare.

  4. To start your first positive storytelling post, we will need you to head to the "media" section of your menu and click Livefeed if you're on your desktop or just Livefeed for the app version.

  5. Once you're on Livefeed, you can create your post by typing in the message box or clicking the red plus sign on the app version.

    For the desktop, you can go ahead and start, but for the app, you will need to click Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Livefeed until they are all purple. Please type your Orange Spot recognition using the example or templates below. You must have "orange" somewhere in the post so that we can find it! Once that is done, you are ready to press "publish" this then goes to a moderator to double check, which can be edited if needed and approved. We will be pulling these nominations on a monthly basis straight from Thrillshare to choose our winner!

  6. Now let's get to maybe the best part, the photos! On your mobile device, you will click the small picture icon, or on the desktop, you will click "upload an image" this will send you to your photo album on your device or your downloads folder on your desktop. 

  7. You can then choose up to ten photos you would like to post. Once your photos are uploaded, you must choose an alternate text for each one. This is a part of the Americans with Disabilities Act and keeps our posts accessible to everyone in our community.

  8. Once that is done, you are ready to press "publish" this then goes to a moderator to double check, which then can be edited if needed, then approved!


Please navigate to the "Our Story" page that offers our "Bronze Level" ambassador training. This training has a dual purpose of onboarding staff onto our Thrillshare platform and is a "how-to" for our Orange Spot Recognition process.


EXAMPLE: Chief of Staff Coty Kuschinsky would like to nominate Executive Administration Assistant Janet Ciesla for an Orange Spot Recognition. Janet has gone above and beyond this month with her work on planning the Superintendents' Retreat. #OrangeSpot #SaginawISD #OurStory

TEMPLATE: (YOUR NAME) would like to nominate (NOMINEE NAME AND TITLE) for an Orange Spot Recognition. (NOMINEE NAME) --- explain how you spotted them being orange, and thank them. #OrangeSpot #SaginawISD #OurStory


Feel free to use the resources below if you missed taking a photo of the "orange" moment. On your desktop, you can right-click and press "save as," or on your smart device, just hold down on the photo and press "save photo."

orange frog

orange frog

orange frog

orange frog


Organizations that have implemented the Happiness Advantage program by Shawn Achor have reported several positive outcomes. Firstly, employees have shown increased levels of engagement and productivity, resulting in improved job performance and higher profitability for the organization. Secondly, the program has been found to reduce stress and burnout among employees, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and retention rates. Additionally, the program has been linked to increased creativity and innovation, as well as improved communication and collaboration among teams. By fostering a positive work environment and focusing on employee well-being, organizations can benefit from a more motivated, resilient, and effective workforce.

Research has found that employees who participate in the program report higher levels of job satisfaction, engagement, and productivity. For example, a study conducted by Achor and his colleagues found that employees who participated in a gratitude exercise for 21 days showed a 31% increase in productivity compared to a control group. Another study conducted in a healthcare organization found that employees who participated in the program reported higher levels of job satisfaction, lower levels of stress, and reduced symptoms of depression. Similarly, a study conducted in a sales organization found that employees who received positive feedback and participated in the program showed a 37% increase in sales compared to a control group. These studies and others provide evidence to support the positive impact of the Happiness Advantage program on organizational outcomes.


Slider is playing


The "Happiness Advantage" is a positive psychology program created by Shawn Achor that focuses on the relationship between happiness and success. The program is based on the principle that happiness is not the result of success but rather the cause of it. It aims to teach individuals how to reframe their mindset and focus on the positive aspects of their lives, which can lead to increased productivity, creativity, and success. The program includes techniques such as gratitude exercises, mindfulness, and social connection, which have been shown to improve overall well-being and happiness. The "Happiness Advantage" has been implemented in various organizations and educational institutions worldwide and has been found to have a positive impact on individuals and teams. To learn more, click here.



Deputy Superintendent


Phone: (989) 249-8702