Early Childhoood Special Services Supervisor
Phone: (989) 249-8712
Email: mshepard@sisd.cc
The Birth-5 program provides home visiting services to families with the mindset that parents are a child’s first teacher. The program’s goal is to ensure school readiness and that children enter preschool with the necessary tools for success. This program is available to families with children 5 years of age or younger, income at or below 250% of the federal poverty level, or children enrolled in Early On services located within Saginaw County (excluding the City of Saginaw).
To learn more, contact Meghan Shepard by emailing mshepard@sisd.cc, Early Childhood Special Services Supervisor, or calling (989) 249-8712.
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Early Childhoood Special Services Supervisor
Phone: (989) 249-8712
Email: mshepard@sisd.cc