Pensions and post-retirement health benefits come through the State of Michigan Office of Retirement Services (ORS), including the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System (MPSERS). As a public school employee, you belong to one of a few pension systems: Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution, Pension Plus, or Pension Plus 2, depending on the timing of your hiring. To learn more, go to the ORS website. You may also log in to your personal retirement account with ORS called MiAccount. This system tracks years of service, retirement contributions, and other retirement information.
Working for Saginaw ISD is just like working for any other public school in Michigan and is part of MPSERS. Service credits may carry over from other local Michigan public school employment and continue to accrue while working with the Saginaw ISD.
Additional Retirement Saving Options
Most employees see a significant decrease in income when retiring. Your state pension may not be enough. Depending on your situation, you may wish to save more for retirement. To help close this gap, employees can save additional funds through our sponsored plan known as a 403(b) and/or 457(b) plan.
Both plans have benefits when saving for retirement. As your employer we can automatically deduct your contribution from your paycheck and send it to the investment company, and your contributions will grow tax-free until withdrawn. (Consult your financial professional to learn more about this.) You can enroll in our 403(b) or 457 plan today. Once you do that, you’ll need to complete a Salary Reduction Agreement (SRA) so we can begin processing contributions to your retirement account.
If you need help determining which plan is best for you, visit the Williams & Company website to learn more about the program and get help from a financial professional.
For those employees who are part of the Defined Contribution, Pension Plus, or Pension Plus 2 retirement plans, you may already have a 403(b) or 401(k) set up through the State of Michigan Office of Retirement Services.
Thinking About Retiring: A 2-Step Process
1) First, you must submit your retirement application through the ORS website. Go to "MiAccount" to begin this process. If you need help with the process, please contact ORS at (800) 381-5111.
2) Next, resign your position with the Saginaw ISD by submitting a resignation letter or email to your immediate supervisor or to the Executive Director of Human Resources.
Post-Retirement Employment
The rules vary as to whether individuals can work after retirement based on the type of retirement and the type of employment. To see whether there is an impact on your pension if you work after retirement, please visit the Office of Retirement Services website.