School branding is our forte, it's all in what you portray. From logos, stories, and designs, Always having the best of times! Happy Friday! - from your favorite school creatives #SaginawISD #SchoolBranding #PositiveVibes #SaginAWESOME
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
School Branding
The Michigan Women’s Commission (MWC) awarded a $300,000 grant to Saginaw ISD on behalf of the GLBR to pilot the MI Tri-Share Child Care Program which assists qualifying employees, who work with participating regional employers, with child care expenses.
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Michigan Tri-Share Child Care Program
Michigan's Early Childhood Program Again Among Tops in Nation. Learn more:
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Michigan Early Childhood Top in Nation
Congratulations Great Lakes Bay Early College Class of 2021! We are proud of your incredible accomplishments this year. As you move forward in pursuit of your dreams, remember, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson #SaginawISD #GLBEC #EarlyCollege
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Great Lakes Bay Early College Graduation Ceremony
Great Lakes Bay Early College Graduation Ceremony
Great Lakes Bay Early College Graduation Ceremony
Great Lakes Bay Early College Graduation Ceremony
Registration is open for the Prime Manufacturing Summer Camp taking place June 14-17 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Saginaw Career Complex or Hemlock High School! Register today: #SaginawISD #SCC #Manufacturing #SummerCamp
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Saginaw Career Complex Manufacturing Summer Camp
In case you missed it... Inside our April newsletter, enjoy articles regarding our Certificate of Excellence Award, Orange Spot recipient Andrea Wise, Harrison Award winner Amy Wassmann, Michigan's Region 4 Teacher of the Year, and more! #SaginawISD
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Saginaw ISD April Newsletter
Saginaw ISD April Newsletter
Saginaw ISD April Newsletter
Saginaw ISD April Newsletter
Don’t forget to check out REMC Save for all your purchasing planning. Discounts on devices, PPE, furniture, office supplies and much more! Check out the offers here:
over 3 years ago, Mark Quaderer
What a great partnership @SaginawISD between Superintendent @JeffreyJCollier and Deputy Superintendent @ScottNSawyer. #SaginawISD
over 3 years ago, Jeffrey Collier
Supt and Deputy Supt
Join the Saginaw Art Museum in partnership with Saginaw ISD and the READ Association of Saginaw County for Black Out Poetry Nights. Designed for grades 3-5, the event will be held at the Saginaw Art Museum on June 17th and July 15th from 6-8 p.m.
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Black Out Poetry Nights
Saginaw Career Complex Building and Construction students shared their carpentry skills with community partners, Habitat for Humanity and Hemmeter Elementary School. The children were excited to see their new raised garden beds under construction. #SCC #CTE #SaginawISD
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Saginaw Career Complex Construction and Building Students
Saginaw Career Complex Construction and Building Students
Superintendent @JeffreyJCollier and Transitions Center Principal, Brigette Uhrich, had the pleasure of representing @SaginawISD to present a fundraiser check to the Child and Family Services of Saginaw. #SaginawISD
over 3 years ago, Jeffrey Collier
check presentation
check presentation
What's the difference between IEP and a 504 plan? Join us as we journey through the differences inside our #SpecialEducation Parent Newsletter: #SaginawISD
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Special Education Parent Newsletter
Congratulations to Andrea Wise our recent Orange Spot Recipient! "Andrea and her team did an awesome job providing vaccine opportunities for our staff in coordination with the Saginaw County Health Department and providers." Watch video: #SaginawISD
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Orange Spot Recipient - Andrea Wise
Incredible renovations have been taking place at the Millet Learning Center. Prior to tonight’s Board of Education meeting, board members toured the facility and new greenhouse! Staff, students, and families are enjoying the fresh designs and modern updates. #SaginawISD #Millet
over 3 years ago, Kelly Lyvere
Millet Learning Center
Millet Learning Center
Millet Learning Center
Millet Learning Center
The Association of School Business Officials International honored Saginaw ISD for its exemplary Comprehensive Annual Financial Report by awarding the educational agency with the 2020 Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting.
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Certificate of Excellence
Congratulations Hallie Beck, Swan Valley Middle School student, and Sophia Grossi, St. Lorenz Lutheran School student, for winning the Farm Bureau Insurance 'America and Me' essay contest. Hallie ranked first and Sophia third amongst roughly 2,000 essays.
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Farm Bureau America and Me Essay Contest
Today, the FCC officially opened the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program to eligible applicants. Families may receive a discount of up to $50/mo on broadband internet service & up to $100 toward the purchase a device. Visit to see if you qualify!
over 3 years ago, Mark Quaderer
Visit for program information
Saginaw ISD’s new website & mobile app are now available to explore! Through a partnership with Apptegy, we implemented a new customer service experience that focuses on authenticity, real-time content sharing, and user-friendliness. Check it out! >>> <<< #SaginawISD
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Saginaw ISD Launches New Website and Mobile App
The SISD Transitions Center proudly donated $250.00 to the Child & Family Services Sexual Awareness Program. TC Staff participated in Denim Day on April 28th to collect donations. #sisdstrong #sisdcares
over 3 years ago, Brigette Uhrich
Saginaw Career Complex is hosting an Outdoor Student Job Fair today and tomorrow! Students have an opportunity to meet with various employers who have job openings for summer employment. Learn more inside this week's SCC Update: #SaginawISD #SCC
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Saginaw Career Complex Student Job Fair