Powerful learning for Saginaw County literacy coaches with @ RuizSealey diving into supporting literacy growth for all children with #critical love. #SaginawISD

Educational leaders, "BE the change YOU wish to see..." #SaginawISD @SaginawISD @JeffreyJCollier

Proud to see @kellylyvere sharing our new branding guidelines for @SaginawISD, along with rolling out our new positive storytelling communication platform with our Administrative Council! #SaginawISD

@SaginawISD is proud to partner with these local Saginaw County School Districts! #SaginawISD #SaginAWESOME

Summer is almost here! The Michigan Learning Channel is here to help keep your student engaged and learning all summer long with activities, events, and more! See what we're up to at https://michiganlearning.org/summer/. #MichiganLearningChannel

The School to Work team is working to provide more resources to local districts to support employment for students. One goal is to create a vast library of videos with Q&A for students and classes to discuss and answer. Learn more: https://bit.ly/3y8iCmA #SaginawISD #S2W

Tomorrow at 6:00 p.m., join Jenny Geno, Executive Director of CTE, as she goes FB LIVE on Straight Talk with Kareem Bowen to discuss Career and Technical Education. https://www.facebook.com/StraightTalkwithKareemBowen #SaginawISD #CTE

Having difficulty getting your kids to try fruits and veggies? Gardening may help! Children that help grow and harvest fruits and vegetables are more likely to try those nutritious foods. Learn more: https://www.smore.com/8kfdw #HealthyBodiesHealthyMinds #SaginawISD

The Saginaw Career Complex is now accepting applications for incoming 11th and 12th graders in Saginaw County. Here is what you need to know: https://vimeo.com/518696652 #SCC #CTE #SaginawISD

Nursing students from the Saginaw Career Complex assisted with the delivery and head-to-toe health assessment of a newborn. Students experienced the clinical simulators used by RN students on campus at Davenport University. #SCC #CTE #SaginawISD #Nursing

The Saginaw ISD Educator Guide is now available! https://conta.cc/3y8nMiq #SaginawISD #Education #EducatorGuide

School branding is our forte,
it's all in what you portray.
From logos, stories, and designs,
Always having the best of times!
Happy Friday!
- from your favorite school creatives
#SaginawISD #SchoolBranding
#PositiveVibes #SaginAWESOME

The Michigan Women’s Commission (MWC) awarded a $300,000 grant to Saginaw ISD on behalf of the GLBR to pilot the MI Tri-Share Child Care Program which assists qualifying employees, who work with participating regional employers, with child care expenses. https://bit.ly/3vYnhps

Congratulations Great Lakes Bay Early College Class of 2021! We are proud of your incredible accomplishments this year. As you move forward in pursuit of your dreams, remember, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson #SaginawISD #GLBEC #EarlyCollege

Registration is open for the Prime Manufacturing Summer Camp taking place June 14-17 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Saginaw Career Complex or Hemlock High School! Register today: https://bit.ly/3hhtJUx #SaginawISD #SCC #Manufacturing #SummerCamp

In case you missed it... Inside our April newsletter, enjoy articles regarding our Certificate of Excellence Award, Orange Spot recipient Andrea Wise, Harrison Award winner Amy Wassmann, Michigan's Region 4 Teacher of the Year, and more! https://conta.cc/3uztRCJ #SaginawISD

Don’t forget to check out REMC Save for all your purchasing planning. Discounts on devices, PPE, furniture, office supplies and much more! Check out the offers here: https://www.remcsave.org

What a great partnership @SaginawISD between Superintendent @JeffreyJCollier and Deputy Superintendent @ScottNSawyer. #SaginawISD

Join the Saginaw Art Museum in partnership with Saginaw ISD and the READ Association of Saginaw County for Black Out Poetry Nights. Designed for grades 3-5, the event will be held at the Saginaw Art Museum on June 17th and July 15th from 6-8 p.m. https://bit.ly/3eW6n3O