Congrats to our SCC Skills USA national competitors! All finished in the top 10!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
over 3 years ago, Jenny Geno
Sam placed second in the nation for Collision Repair!
nick placed tenth for job interview!
Arthur placed first in the nation for employment application!
Quintaja placed tenth for baking!
Today's Orange Spot Highlights are Kristi Kowalski, Kristi Tabacsko, Dan Palmer, Melissa McCommon and Lindsey Jakes. They were all nominated by Sara Weiss and Jessica Bluhm, who commented "Thank you so much for taking the time to help us with our tour (Covid-style) of the SOAR program- we appreciate your flexibility and willingness to talk to each of our small groups of students. Our Work Based Learning students enjoyed learning about the SOAR program and had a lot of great comments to share with our group about each of you!" Congratulations! #SaginawISD #OrangeSpots
over 3 years ago, Amanda Weston
Be the Orange
Today's Orange Spot Highlight is Dave Smith. Dave was nominated three times last month. Jon LeFevre stated that "Dave consistently goes out of his way to support others in their projects. He shares his knowledge and expertise of Microsoft Excel and supports our team whenever he is asked and he does it with a smile on his face. It's always much-appreciated!" Another Team member stated "Dave always has a positive attitude. We travelled to Millet together and had a lot of good laughs on the ride out. He brings a strong spark of positivity to the finance team." Congratulations Dave! #SaginawISD #OrangeSpots
over 3 years ago, Amanda Weston
Dave Smith and Kelly Lyvere
Inside this month's Special Education Parent Newsletter, enjoy topics on the summer slide, learning apps, parent support series, art camp, closed caption tips, gross motor outdoor activities, and more! #SaginawISD #SpecialEducation #Newsletter
over 3 years ago, Kelly Lyvere
Special Education Parent Newsletter
WORD UP Community Magazine's June issue is available. Thank you for featuring the Saginaw ISD Turnaround Achievement Awards! #SaginawISD #WORDUP #saginAWESOME
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
WORD UP Magazine June 2021
WORD UP Magazine June 2021
The InPACTatHome Family Engagement Team released the 4th of 7 Family Engagement Modules, complete with a calendar of activities. Module 4 highlights the importance of nutrition, fitness, & wellness to help families create healthy summer meals.
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
InPACTatHome Family Engagement Nutrition Module
Don’t miss the great REMC Virtual Courses that start July 5th & run through August. Courses are free & facilitated by MI educators. Each course lasts 3 weeks & requires 10 hours of time to complete. Ten SCECHs are available at no cost. View the topics:
over 3 years ago, Mark Quaderer
Free REMC Virtual Courses: View topics at
Check out our new website! It delivers authentic, real-time content, and is super user-friendly. Explore: #SaginawISD #Website #SISDproud #saginAWESOME
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Saginaw ISD New Website and Mobile App
Morning hike for our Millet Summer Campers #SISD #Millet #GoMustangs
over 3 years ago, Chelsea Korzecki
student 2
students 3
SISD 31n Grant Mental Health Practitioners met today to begin planning ways to meet countywide needs for next school year #SISD
over 3 years ago, Chelsea Korzecki
Registration is open for the 2021 Lake Michigan Technology Conference on August 4th. Many great topics to choose from including Google Tips, LMS Hacks, Choice Boards, E-Sports and more!
over 3 years ago, Mark Quaderer
Lake Michigan Technology Conference: Register at
State Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice named Rané Garcia, west Michigan school superintendent, as the first director of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Michigan Department of Education today. Congratulations! #SaginawISD #MDE #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Rané Garcia
Inside this month's #HealthyBodiesHealthyMinds newsletter catch up on farm to table, visit our food navigators at the farmers markets, enjoy fresh summer foods, and learn how to make the ultimate strawberry spinach salad. #SaginawISD #Health #Nutrition
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds - June 2021
Celebrating our Teacher of the Year Nathan Wachowicz, Swan Valley High School Industrial Arts Teacher! Congratulations!!
over 3 years ago, Jenny Geno
the Swan Valley Team with Dr. Mridha, the sponsor of this award!
Excited to be celebrating amazing people who make a difference every day!
over 3 years ago, Jenny Geno
Thanks to the sponsors of this special event!
SCF CEO Renee Johnston
The program for this evening.
Hartley Outdoor Education Center, in partnership with the Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce’s 2020 Class of Leadership Saginaw, was awarded a $16,000 CARES Grant from the Hemlock Semiconductor Community and Regional Empowerment Fund, administered by the Saginaw Community Foundation, to build an outdoor classroom pavilion and enhance current outdoor educational programs. #SaginawISD #Hartley #BetterTogether
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Hartley Outdoor Classroom Pavilion
With primary learners leveraging mobile learning, young students and families can benefit from fun and easy iPad activities outside of the physical classroom. These activities can easily lend themselves to many content areas. Next session starts June 23.
over 3 years ago, Mark Quaderer
REMC Virtual Course: Creative iPad Activities for Primary Learners. Register at
Millet Staff members received year-end recognitions with certificates and plaques for their outstanding service and dedication to students and their families. Congratulations to our award winners! #SaginawISD #Millet #SpecialEducation #SISDproud
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Millet Learning Center Staff Awards
Millet Learning Center Staff Awards
Millet Learning Center Staff Awards
Millet Learning Center Staff Awards
Licensed home-based providers are invited to attend the 2nd Annual Home-Based Mini-Conference on September 11th at 9 a.m. Attendees receive continuing education & professional development while collaborating with peers & industry experts. Registration details to follow.
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
2nd Annual Home-Based Mini Conference
2nd Annual Home-Based Mini Conference
WORD UP Community Magazine's June issue is now available. Thank you for featuring the Saginaw ISD Turnaround Achievement Awards! #SaginawISD #WORDUP #saginAWESOME
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
WORD UP Magazine June 2021
WORD UP Magazine June 2021
WORD UP Magazine June 2021
WORD UP Magazine June 2021