Wishing all of the dads, stepdads, father-figures, and positive role models, the happiest of Father's Day! #SaginawISD #HappyFathersDay
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Happy Father's Day
Congratulations to Erin Senkowski, Executive Director of Special Education at Saginaw ISD, on her successful completion within this year's Leadership Saginaw County cohort. #SaginawISD
over 3 years ago, Jeffrey Collier
E. Senkowski
Inside this month's Special Education Parent Newsletter, enjoy topics on the summer slide, learning apps, parent support series, art camp, closed caption tips, gross motor outdoor activities, and more! https://bit.ly/3gBiWne #SaginawISD #SpecialEducation #Newsletter
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Special Education Parent Newsletter June 2021
Governor Whitmer issued a proclamation declaring June 19th as Juneteenth Celebration Day to commemorate the day in 1865 when slavery was abolished. President Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, establishing it as a federal holiday. https://bit.ly/3vAIF3r
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Juneteenth Freedom Day 2021
Next week, iPads in Action offers a session on Screen Recording. Don’t miss this opportunity to create your own media library of how-to videos. Students will love your creations. Upcoming session on June 21st! Earn 2 SCECHs. Register here: https://bit.ly/3xoxb4x
over 3 years ago, Mark Quaderer
iPads in Action: Screen Recording on iPad  - register at https://bit.ly/3xoxb4x
Saginaw has one of the more extensive programs following the roadmap laid out by the SME Education Foundation’s PRIME (Partnership Response In Manufacturing Education) initiative. It involves six high schools and a career center (the Saginaw Career Complex) and is highly visible to the county’s 27,000 students. It is also very much in the hearts and minds of the Saginaw Valley’s base of manufacturing companies. “Without the input, guidance, and support of these manufacturers,” said Geno, “we would be nowhere with this program.” Read full article: https://bit.ly/3zB14Ah #SaginawISD #CTE #SCC #PRIME #Manufacturing
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
PRIME Manufacturing CTE
Lots of great programs for children preschool to sixth grade!!!
over 3 years ago, Ericka M. Taylor, Ph.D.
Erin Senkowski and Dave Krantz were able to share their thoughts, expertise, and advocacy about pending legislation and the impacts it may have on special education with Senator Horn last evening. #SaginawISD @SenkowskiErin @DaveKrantz @JeffreyJCollier
over 3 years ago, Jeffrey Collier
Sen. Horn
Congratulations to the 2021 Saginaw County Youth Ambassadors on their impressive leadership styles and personal growth! We are incredibly proud of all your accomplishments and look forward to your bright future. Happy graduation! #SISDproud #Leadership #RoleModels #Graduation
over 3 years ago, Kelly Lyvere
Saginaw County Youth Ambassador Program
Saginaw County Youth Ambassador Program
Saginaw County Youth Ambassador Program
Saginaw County Youth Ambassador Program
Special Thanks to 2021 Graduate and Student Leadership Council President Jordan Barnum and his family for donating non-perishable food and personal hygiene items to the pantries at Delta College and Saginaw Valley State University. #SaginawISD #GLBEC #EarlyCollege
over 3 years ago, Kevin Summey
Donated Items
Congratulations to GLBEC Senior Elizabeth Best for being selected for the Dow Science and Sustainability Education Center Summer Research Experience at Saginaw Valley State University. #SaginawISD #GLBEC #EarlyCollege
over 3 years ago, Kevin Summey
Elizabeth Best
Teaching Strategies for Virtual and Blended Learning: Seven sessions explore grade-specific practices for ELA and Mathematics content areas, and includes a robust toolkit of resources to support teacher planning and student learning. https://bit.ly/2R6Gc2w
over 3 years ago, Mark Quaderer
Teaching Strategies for Virtual and Blended Learning - Register for free at https://bit.ly/2R6Gc2w
What an awesome way to start the day engaged at our #SaginawISD County-wide Instructional Leadership Council meeting @SaginawISD! Great leadership by Heather Phelps and Josh Hook. #ThisIsWhatWeDo
over 3 years ago, Jeffrey Collier
Leadership Council
leadership Council
Join these monthly discussions open to all dads! For more information contact the CAN Council at www.cancouncil.org or (989) 752-7226.
over 3 years ago, Ericka M. Taylor, Ph.D.
Eric Rutherford, Director of #Hartley, welcomes community guests & #SaginawISD Board of Education and staff to Hartley. Tonight he is sharing all of the new expansion projects taking place including the pergola, net zero greenhouse, outdoor classroom pavilion, & more! #SISDproud
over 3 years ago, Kelly Lyvere
Eric Rutherford - Director of Hartley
Scott Sawyer, Deputy Superintendent, and Dave Smith, Director of Finance, provide a budget and financial update to Saginaw ISD Board of Education members. #SaginawISD #SISDproud
over 3 years ago, Kelly Lyvere
Dave Smith and Scott Sawyer
Experience how digital animation & video tools can enhance & expand opportunities for creative communication, collaboration, & expression while meeting Michigan Technology Competencies for students (MITECS). Experience & try-out free multimedia resources. https://bit.ly/35eVh5A
over 3 years ago, Mark Quaderer
Multimedia Tools to Engage Students - visit https://bit.ly/35eVh5A to register for free!
Congratulations Mr. Eric Clauder, Frankenmuth Schools’ Director of Instrumental Music, on being named to the MSBOA State Executive Board for next school year. He lends the voice of schools in our area to the statewide planning & decision making for school bands & orchestras.
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Mr. Eric Clauder, Frankenmuth Schools’ Director of Instrumental Music
Thank you Julie Kozan for facilitating our monthly Local Leadership Group meeting with community partners and parents! This group unifies home visiting agencies and parents across Saginaw County to serve families and help them reach their full potential.
over 3 years ago, Ericka M. Taylor, Ph.D.
MDHHS is recognizing Swan Valley Middle School, along with 27 other Michigan schools, for centering child and adolescent health during the 2020-2021 school year. Congratulations! Learn more: https://bit.ly/3gBxK4f #MDHHS #SwanValley
over 3 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Swan Valley Middle School