Learn Minecraft Education Edition, including in-game play and features for instruction, collaboration, assessment and feedback. You can further support STEAM learning goals through Minecraft Code Builder, engineering challenges, & 3D export. 6/17 11:30-1 pm https://bit.ly/2Sg92ho
over 3 years ago, Mark Quaderer
Minecraft: Education Edition Teacher Academy - Register for free at https://bit.ly/2Sg92ho
@JeffreyJCollier & @ScottNSawyer had a wonderful opportunity to extend deep conversation with House Majority Floor Leader, Representative Frederick, yesterday @SaginawISD after hosting our monthly legislative breakfast to discuss key educational legislative concerns. #SaginawISD
over 3 years ago, Jeffrey Collier
Rep Frederick
It was a great first day of Manufacturing & Engineering Camp at the Saginaw Career Complex & Hemlock High School! Forty students from Saginaw County spent their morning learning about welding, manufacturing, and engineering! #SaginawISD #CTE #Welding #Manufacturing #Engineering
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Manufacturing and Engineering Camp
Manufacturing and Engineering Camp
Manufacturing and Engineering Camp
Manufacturing and Engineering Camp
Gretchen Whitmer announces proposal to invest $1.4 billion in federal child care funding to expand access to high-quality child care, make child care more affordable, & support child care professionals. Learn more: https://bit.ly/3glkjGr #childcare #Michigan
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Interested in following school and education news? Text SAGINAWISD to 22828 to subscribe to Saginaw ISD newsletters and media announcements. #SaginawISD #News #SISDproud #saginAWESOME
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Subscribe to Saginaw ISD Newsletter
Saginaw Career Complex is now accepting student enrollments! Enrollment will remain open until all programs are at capacity. Submit applications to Becky Wright at rwright@spsd.net to determine availability. Learn more: https://bit.ly/2ZVToZ4 #SaginawISD #SCC #CTE
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Saginaw Career Complex Now Enrolling
School may be out but our team is hard at work cleaning, refreshing, and renovating...stay tuned for updates!
almost 4 years ago, Brigette Uhrich
Have you explored our new website!? We partnered with Apptegy to implement a new customer service experience that focuses on authenticity, real-time content sharing, and user-friendliness. Check it out: www.sisd.cc #SaginawISD #Website #SISDproud #saginAWESOME
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Saginaw ISD New Website and Mobile App
Congratulations to Taryn Perkins, Physical Therapy teacher at SCC, who was accepted as a Dow Corning Foundations Fellow STEM grant with SVSU to work on bringing more excitement to the anatomy curriculum within her program! Learn more: https://bit.ly/2ZVToZ4 #SCC #CTE #SaginawISD
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
SCC Weekly Update
Congratulations to this year's awards recipients: Bridge Award - Roderick York & Sarah Chad Caryle Smith Sportsmanship Award - Christian Essex Erin Treib Perseverance Award - Nathan Piechotte Pama Phillips Independence Award - Frankie Coe Treva Simons Friendship Award - Kayla Berg Turn Around Award - Taylor Parent
almost 4 years ago, Brigette Uhrich
wall of fame
Are you looking for a high-quality, engaging, safe, clean, and friendly preschool for your youngster to grow, learn, and play? Look no further: www.saginawpreschool.org #SaginawISD #Preschool #SaginawCounty #EarlyChildhood
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Saginaw County Preschool
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 to the class of 2021! On behalf of the entire Saginaw ISD, we join you in celebration! 🎓🎓🎓 #SaginawISD #Graduation2021 #saginAWESOME
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Great Lakes Bay Early College is one of America's top ranked high schools! There is still time to enroll. #GLBEC #SaginawISD #EarlyCollege
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
GLBEC One of America's Top High Schools
🥫 Summer Stock Up Food Drive 🥫 Today kicks off the Summer Stock Up Food Drive for United Ways across the State of Michigan! United Way of Saginaw County is partnering with the United Way of Midland County and the United Way of Bay County to benefit pantries in our communities through our partner agency, Hidden Harvest. From now until June 28th they need your help. Please consider donating non-perishable food items at any of these community partner drop sites 👇 🚘 Any Garber dealership in Saginaw, Bay or Midland Counties 🏦 Any First State Bank location in Saginaw, Bay or Midland Counties Or at any of these Saginaw County community partner drop sites 👇 🚘 Garber Dealerships 📍 Garber Buick - 5925 State St 📍 Garber Chevrolet Saginaw - 8800 Gratiot Rd 📍 Garber Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram - 5330 Bay Rd 📍 Garber Chevrolet Buick - 12709 Brady Rd, Chesaning 🏦 1st State Bank 📍4800 Fashion Sq Blvd 📍5424 State St 🏥 Covenant HealthCare 📍Cooper Location - 900 Cooper, front desk and cafeteria 📍Mackinaw Location - 5400 Mackinaw, cafeteria 📍Harrison Location - 1447 Harrison, front desk and cafeteria 📍Mary Free Bed Location - 515 N Michigan Ave, cafeteria 📍SVRC Marketplace - 203 S Washington Ave Not able to get to one of these drop sites? Consider making a donation online at www.stockupGLBR.com #LiveUnited #InThisTogether #SummerStockUp #FoodForThought
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Summer Stock Up Food Drive
Governor Announces Plan for Historic $250 Million Investment to Modernize State Parks and Trails to Enhance Tourism, Boost Local Economies https://bit.ly/3ix9kLR #Michigan
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Michigan State Parks
Dave Abbott has the happiness advantage! He was nominated by a teammate who said, "Dave has been very flexible and patient in delivering services to a student in a unique situation." #saginawisd #happinessadvantage #orangespot
almost 4 years ago, Amanda Weston
David Abbott
Have you downloaded our new mobile app?! Stay up-to-date on the latest school happenings and educational news by downloading our free mobile app on Google Play or the Apple App Store. Simply search for Saginaw ISD. #SaginawISD #MobileApp #SISDproud
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
Saginaw ISD Mobile App
Congratulations to the following SCC teachers who were accepted as Fellows for the Dow Innovation Teacher Fellowship Program to focus on sustainability: Dr. Melissa Haworth, Karly Salesky, and Elizabeth Stuber! Learn more: https://bit.ly/2ZVToZ4 #SaginawISD #CTE #SCC
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
SCC Weekly Update
Tune in now to MASB's June 2021 storyboard! Learn about Michigan's Blueprint for Comprehensive Student Recovery, preview the Summer Institute programming, listen to the legislative update, and more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMDWIvy6pbs #MASB
almost 4 years ago, Saginaw ISD
MASB Storyboard
Today a reader. Tomorrow a leader. Thank you to the staff and students at the International Academy of Saginaw for inviting our Diversity and Inclusion team out to read stories to their youngest learners. #SaginawISD #ReqdEarlyReadOften #Literacy
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Lyvere
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion