Virtual Reality (VR) brings learning to life! Explore habitats, experience a beating human heart, or visit other planets. Explore the what, why, and how of integrating VR into instruction. Unlock potential and personalize learning with VR. https://bit.ly/2Qy0XUI

Congratulations to cohort 10 for having a successful school year. Enjoy your summer break. Rest up and enjoy your time away.
We look forward to seeing you in the fall. #SaginawISD #GLBEC #EarlyCollege

Students in SOAR Teacher Mr. Palmer's class learned how to make corn dogs from scratch today. #sisd#sisdtransitionscenter#cookingfrom scratch#delicious

Amy Wassmann and Moira Branigan from YWCA are packaging feminine hygiene products that will be distributed to schools next week thanks to Project Dottie and the Girls Initiative. #SaginawISD #SISDproud #ProjectDottie #YWCA #GirlsInitiative

Not finding what you are looking for? REMC SAVE has competitively bid catalog discounts to meet all of your district’s purchasing needs. Check it out here: https://bit.ly/3hOgsmI

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced today her funding priorities for K-12 education as the state readies for major investments in our schools and teachers.
Major highlights of the framework include:
- Closing the funding gap between schools in lower and higher-income communities with a $262 million investment. This goal was put forward as part of Proposal A in 1994.
- Investing funds in students who need them the most through a weighted funding formula which distributes education dollars more equitably. This model supports at-risk students ($20.4m), special education ($60m), and English language learners ($12.2m). For special education specifically, we are allocating $6 million for pre-employment training, expanding a remote learning library, and hiring more qualified personnel for children with disabilities.
- A combined $500 million for districts to hire and retain more educators, psychologists, social workers, counselors and nurses, and provide student loan debt relief for mental and physical health professionals who work in high-need districts.
- Substantial investments to help students plan for life after high school by facilitating post-secondary transitions: $50 million to double funding for CTE, vocational, and skilled trades programs. $55 million to expand dual enrollment and early middle college programs. And $100 million to hire more guidance and career counselors.
- $500 million for school infrastructure
Other notable pieces include:
- $402 million to increase the foundation allowance by 4% ($163/$326 per pupil)
- $350 million to stabilize enrollment over 2 years for districts after COVID related unpredictability and pupil losses.
- $41.5 million for literacy coaches, an increase of $10 million from current law.
- $50 million for ongoing student mental health programs.
- A 2% operational funding increase for community colleges.
The plan utilizes the surplus to propose over $1.7 billion in one-time funding and allocates over $900 million for ongoing investments, representing Michigan’s most significant investment in public education to date.

CTE Exec. Dir. Jen Geno, Asst. Dir. & Exec. Dir. of Early Childhood Sabrina Jackson & Ericka Taylor in a planning meeting with Chf. Oper. Off. Kristen Wenzel & Sr. Prog. Mgr. Craig Clark of Great Lakes Bay Michigan Works! discussing career opportunities for Head Start parents.

Utilize free, online formative assessment resources to guide student success. Learn how online and paper/pencil tasks can uncover misconceptions, provide content mastery, and support learning. Investigate research-based approaches to improve instruction. https://bit.ly/3byv7OW

Saginaw ISD's Turnaround Achievement Awards Honor Students for Academic and Personal Success www.sisd.cc/article/470902 #SaginawISD #TurnaroundAwards #SISDproud

Behind the scenes preparation for the Turnaround Awards. A special thanks to Nexteer for providing a tent and also A.B.O. tents for delivering chairs. Thank you to every SISD team member that contributed in making this event a success for our students! #TeamWork #SaginawISD

Today, May 26th, is National Paper Airplane Day. Students at the @SaginawISD Transitions Center had fun letting their planes fly!

Teaching is the profession that touches all others; it is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT professions to a community. These teachers are sharing their WHY.

The Juvenile staff taking time out of their lunchtime to get the bed gardens weeded and replanted. Spring is great time for new beginnings. #SaginawISD

Learn collaborative tools for projects, allowing students to give and receive feedback from fellow classmates and students around the world. Explore tools for notetaking, multimedia bulletin boards, and more. https://bit.ly/33RtA29

Getting ready for some fun at Merrill Park Elementary! Stay tuned to find out what we are up to!

I am greatly appreciative of my strong relationship and partnership with @SaginawISD Board President, Ruth Coppens. #SaginawISD #Leadership @JeffreyJCollier

Amy Wassmann, Whole Child Programs Director for the Saginaw ISD, is the recipient of the Michigan Model for Health™ State Steering Committee’s 2021 Harrison Award. Join us in congratulating Amy! www.sisd.cc/article/469895 #SaginawISD #SISDProud #HarrisonAward

Self care is not a noun at the @SaginawISD Transitions Center, it's a verb! Students and staff in SOAR Teacher Mrs. Kowalski's class use the Calm app and practice mediation and relaxation daily. #sisd#sisdstrong#selfcare

You made it! You’ve arrived at the end of an unprecedented school year. Take some time to rest and rejuvenate, then register for one or more REMC Virtual Courses to catch up on credits or polish your skills for fall. Course catalog here: http://bit.ly/2zGzMvg

I am eager for today's Saginaw Instructional Leadership Council hosted @SaginawISD and led by our Instructional Leadership Department Directors, @sisdphelps and @JoshuaMHook. Awesome County-wide collaboration. #KidsDeserveIt #SaginawISD