Great Lakes Bay Early College has been listed as one of the top high schools in America in a recently released ranking by U.S. News and World Report which published their nationwide list of highest-ranked U.S. public schools in 2021. Since opening in 2011, this is the fourth time that GLBEC has been ranked as one of America’s Top High Schools by U.S. News and World Report. #SaginawISD #GLBEC #EarlyCollege

Learn & teach how to manage digital demands and use tools efficiently to meet responsibilities and goals. Examine your Digital Footprint, learn about tools to improve online safety and security, and customize your digital device(s) to manage your life. https://bit.ly/3br1leT

State Representative Amos O’Neal presented our Deputy Superintendent, Scott Sawyer, with a tribute signed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist, and Senator Ken Horn, honoring him for his contributions to Saginaw County education and for being named MSBO’s Michigan School Business Official of the Year. Congratulations Scott!

SOAR Teacher Mrs. Tabacsko and her students took time from their classroom studies to relax with these beautiful therapy dogs at the @SaginawISD Transitions Center. Thank you to Janet Nash for bringing your dogs to TC. #sisd #therapydogs

Year end Mentor meeting to continue our learning and celebrate our successes #SaginawISD


Over 21,000 feminine supplies are ready to be delivered to Saginaw County students to take home for the summer thanks to the Saginaw Community Foundation! #SaginawISD #ProjectDottie #SCF

An additional $10,000 for Math in the Mail means more children in the can receive the 1, 2, 3 Dinosaurs Bite math kits! We are fortunate to have partners focused on strengthening math skills in young learners. www.sisd.cc/article/464842 #SaginawISD #MathintheMail

Students at Juvenile are starting a Monday morning off right with Jennifer Clor's yoga class. Yoga is a very positive tool utilized to support social-emotional learning. #SaginawISD

Congratulations to 2021 Graduate Christian Eudis for securing a Co-Op at Dow Chemical. While at Dow, Christian works in the lab testing the viscosity of silicones, keeping track of retains and chemical samples. Christian will attend SVSU in the fall, majoring in Chemistry. Keep up the excellent work Christian. Everyone at GLBEC is proud of you! #SaginawISD #GLBEC #Early College

Our finance department rocks! Early Childhood would like to say thank you to Dave Smith, Tammy Cavendish and Jarrod Heitkamp for always being available to answer our questions and assisting when needed. We really appreciate all of you!

Shields Elementary students got to enjoy a hot air balloon experience from Dave Wieland #RE/MAX #VikingMcRae #SaginawISD

Students are enjoying a new unit on riding bicycles in adaptive PE class at Millet Learning Center!

Hartley Outdoor Education Center is so thankful for our community partner, the READ Association of Saginaw County. Working together we were able to purchase and construct a new pergola. Next to the pergola we plan to build a Free Little Library. What an amazing spot to relax, read, reflect and learn. Thank you to The Iles Family for funding our project! #SaginawISD #Hartley

It's National Pizza Day! Thank you Principal Brigette Uhrich and Asst. Principal Mitch Wheatcraft (Transitions Center) for your generosity in helping us celebrate in style! 🙂🍕 #SaginawISD

Congratulations to the Scholarship award winners from GLBECs graduating class (2021). We are proud of your hard work and efforts#SaginawISD#GLBEC#EarlyCollege

A great opportunity to celebrate Terry French, a member of our Maintenance team, as our newest Orange Spot recipient! Terry, on behalf of everyone @SaginawISD, thank you for being a positive difference-maker! #SaginawISD

Congratulations to GLBEC 2021 Graduate Isobel Jarema for winning the Monsignor Forbes Scholarship from Jolt Credit Union. Your GLBEC family is Proud of You!#SaginawISD#GLBEC#EarlyCollege

PressIT: Wireless HDMI...no more cables!!
Excited to announce the installation of a new solution to allow wireless HDMI presentation to a projector or TV.
There is no special software installation necessary for your PC, Mac, or Chromebook. The presenter simply presses a button on the transmitter to display their screen.
Try it out in these locations:
-TC Small Meeting Room A
-TC Small Meeting Room D
-TC North Conference Room
#SaginawISD #PressIT

New SISD Staff explore all the county wide Special Education programs we have to offer @Saginaw ISD